Our Approach
Hibernia uses comprehensive structures and processes to provide a quality service that is regularly monitored and outcomes evaluated.
Service management is carried out by a multidisciplinary team of professionals with clear lines of responsibility and accountability.
Our teams and committees structure includes a Board of Directors, Senior Management Team and Quality and Safety Team.
Clinical Governance & Quality Assurance
At Hibernia, our staff are guided by evidence-based policies and procedures which incorporate legislative needs, best practice guidance and national policy to ensure our service is delivered in line with these requirements. We monitor the quality and safety of our services in several ways.
Davorka Tunjic | RGN – Quality & Safety Nurse Manager
Key Performance Indicators
Information on attendance, complaints, incidents & accidents, safeguarding concerns and health and safety risks are monitored weekly.
Quality Assurance Visits
These are undertaken formally with every service user every three months. The frequency can sometimes be increased if needed.
Quality Assurance Visits
This is collected formally every three months as part of the service users’ scheduled Care Plan Review and actions arising from this are reported, actioned and trended as part of our Quality Controls policy.
Electronic Care Management System
We use an electronic care management system for recording service user support plans, schedules, attendance monitoring and quality and safety reporting. This helps us to monitor service delivery in real-time and enables our care team to record, log and report safety and risk issues for immediate management action.
Bi-Annual Survey
This is completed with all service users to seek feedback on the delivery, quality and safety of services. The results are then presented to the Board of Directors to guide the planning and management of our service.
At Hibernia we use a seven-step process for continuous quality improvement.
- Identifying areas for improvement based on continuous review and trending quality data at clinical governance meetings.
Prioritizing areas for improvement based on the following criteria:
- Areas of High Risk.
- Areas of High Volume.
- Required by regulations and standards.
- Analysing areas requiring attention to identify the exact nature of the issue and factors contributing to it.
- Developing an action plan for improvement.
- Implementing the service enhancements through our Quality and Safety Board Committee.
- Improvement plans and enhancements using appropriate measures and methods such as key performance indicators, satisfaction surveys and audits.
- Continuous monitoring of performance through quality and safety data and the publishing an annual report approved by our Board.
Procedures are in place within Hibernia for the swift notification of quality and risk issues to the HSE (Health Service Executive).
In addition to the above, our senior Management Team meets with the HSE every quarter to formally review service delivery.
Providing a high-quality level of home care to our clients or their loved ones is not just our business. It’s something we’re very passionate about.
We like to think that the standard of care we offer is unparalleled in terms of safety, reliability and quality and meets every expectation. But if there are some things you feel we could do better on or areas in which we need to rethink, we’d really appreciate your feedback and honesty.